Author: Phuket Attorneys

Thai Marriage Visa

Thai Marriage Visa

Thai Marriage Visa. Thailand, known for its captivating culture, stunning landscapes, and warm-hearted people, has been a magnet for international relationships and marriages. If you’re

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Representative Office in Thailand

Representative Office in Thailand

Representative Office in Thailand. Thailand, with its strategic location in Southeast Asia, dynamic economy, and vibrant culture, has become a magnet for foreign businesses seeking

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Board of Investment in Thailand

FBA and BOI in Thailand

FBA (FOREIGN BUSINESS ACT) According to the Foreign Business Act of 1999 (the “FBA”), there are three types of business activities: List 1: Business Not

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Leasing Property

Leasing Property in Phuket

In Phuket, foreigners interested in investing in property have limited options: they are not permitted by law to own land and the only property they

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Thailand Immigration Attorneys

Phuket Immigration Lawyers

In many occasions, obtaining legal assistance is perceived as a luxury. This notion can be attributed to the sky-rocketing costs of consultation fees. Immigration lawyers

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Attorneys in Phuket

Owning Land in Phuket

One common question that always comes to the mind of expatriates has been the limited ownership of property in Thailand. You may note that there

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